富山大学 システム機能形態学研究室 Systems Function and Morphology Lab., University of Toyama

音を認知する神経回路の構造を研究しています。 We study the neuronal circuitry for sensing sounds.

総説論文「下丘における難聴に関連した神経活動変化」の公開 Review article "Hearing loss-related altered neuronal activity in the inferior colliculus" is published!

2024年5月20日付けで伊藤と小野宗範博士(金沢医科大学)の共著による総説論文がHearing Research誌から出版されました。なお、2024年6月末までこのリンクから論文を読むことができます。この論文はスペイン・サラマンカ大学神経科学講座の教授であったMiguel Merchan博士を記念したHearing Research誌の特集号に掲載されました。

In May 20th, 2024, a review paper written by Ito and Dr. Munenori Ono (Kanazawa Medical University) is published online on Hearing Research. You can read the paper until the end of June 2024 through this link. This paper is included in Special Issue dedicated for Dr. Miguel Merchan (former professor of University of Salamanca).


Hearing loss is a common disease with which about 500 million patients suffer. As lifespan is increasing, it is expected that the number of the patient will increase. Hearing loss is further classified into sensorineural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss, which are caused by the damage of inner ear and by the deficit of conduction of sound into inner ear, respectively. Many aged people have sensorineural hearing loss at the high frequency region of the inner ear. In addition, aging of nervous system is another factor for the symptoms.


Hearing loss is not merely the disease of hearing difficulty, but accompanies various symptoms, including tinnitus, which cause the perception of ghost sound, recruitment and hyperacusis, which cause distortion of loud sound, and hardness for recognizing fast talking. These symptoms are not the direct reflection of cochlear malfunction, but likely of the plastic changes of the central auditory system. In this paper, we analyzed previous papers that studied about the changes in the inferior colliculus, which act as a hub of the auditory system.


The common feature of plastic changes for all types of hearing loss is increase of excitability of neuronal circuitry. This is somewhat like analogous to Karaoke. Inner ear acts like microphone, and you may increase the volume if you think the sound is small. In the brain, this is done by the increase of excitability. In more scientific words, decrease of excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate) released from sensory cells and neurons is followed by increase of receptor for excitatory neurotransmitter to compensate the reduction of neuronal activity in periphery.  The compensatory mechanism allows to maintain hearing capablity, and the subjective symptom for hearing difficulty occurs only when the inner ear deficit becomes severe. (The stage of the compensated hearing is called as "hidden hearing loss".)  The compensation causes some side effects, or accompanying symptoms. In Karaoke, if you increased the volume too much, speaker produces loud sound, or howling, caused by positive feedback between microphone and speaker. In neuronal circuitry, tinnitus is caused by positive feedback between excitatory neurons. Inhibitory neurotransmission is important for making sharpness of neuronal tunings for spectral and temporal aspects of sound. The spectral and temporal sharpness is important to maintain frequency selectivity for wide range of sound loudness and perception of communication sounds, which are characterized by temporal changes, respectivity. Therefore, decrease of inhibitory neurotransmission causes recruitment, hyperacusis, and difficulty of fast speech recognition.


Age-related hearing loss show more various symptoms. The variety is likely caused by the mixture of inner ear impairment and aging of central nervous system.