富山大学 システム機能形態学研究室 Systems Function and Morphology Lab., University of Toyama

音を認知する神経回路の構造を研究しています。 We study the neuronal circuitry for sensing sounds.

論文「トリアデノ随伴ウイルスは順行性シナプス超えベクター」の公開 New article "Avian adeno-associated virus as an anterograde transsynaptic vector" is now open!





The paper "Avian adeno-associated virus as an anterograde transsynaptic vector" by Ito et al., is now open online.




In this paper, we demonstrated that recombinant avian adeno-associated virus is trasported the infected neurons' axons anterogradely and shows trans-synaptic transduction to postsynaptic neurons. Among the viruses that have transsynaptic transport, rabies virus is the most commonly used and shows retrograde transsynaptic transport, which is useful for identifying the inputs. On the other hand,  since avian adeno-associated virus is antrograde transsynaptic vector, it is useful for identifying outputs. By combining anterograde and retrograde transsynaptic vectors, one may accelerate elucidating neuronal circuitry. 




We also found that avian adeno-associated virus can spread several synapses. Since the toxicity of the virus is seemingly low, we can wait to make transduction of extrinsic gene to a specific neuronal circuitry. If we elucide the molecular mechanisms which enables the multiple transsynaptic transport, application for clinical purposes will be on sight. For example, tinnitus is a syndrome of phantom sound in brain by hyperactivation of the auditory neuronal pathway. If we introduce a gene to attenuate the neuronal activity into the auditory pathway, we may relief the symptoms.
