富山大学 システム機能形態学研究室 Systems Function and Morphology Lab., University of Toyama

音を認知する神経回路の構造を研究しています。 We study the neuronal circuitry for sensing sounds.

両耳音情報処理には大きな種差?:論文「ニワトリ聴覚視床核のニューロンは両側の聴覚中脳領域からの入力を収束する」の公開 Big interspecies difference in binaural sound processing?: Our paper "Convergence of bilateral auditory midbrain inputs on neurons in the auditory thalamus of chicken" is now published online!




The paper "Convergence of bilateral auditory midbrain inputs on neurons in the auditory thalamus of chicken" by Ito, Ono, Ohmori is now available online. Following is the explanation of the paper.



As described in Research Outline of this blog, animal's senses are composed by environmental information which is essential for the animal's survival. Therefore, there are significant interspecies differences in sensory organs and sensory neuronal circuitry. In addition, as evolution has a face of ad hoc adaptation for environment, different species may have different neuronal circuitry for same sensory information, and the different circuitry may reflect long journey of evolutional trait, i.e. phylogeny.


In avian auditory system, it has been known that lower auditory nuclei before auditory midbrain has similar morphology and functions to mammals, but the molecular expression reveals the different origin with convergent evolution, which reflect the divergent of mammalian and avian traits in Paleozoic era. On the other hand, higher auditory regions including midbrain, thalamus, and telencephalon are homologous structures between birds and mammals. Indeed, our previous study revealed that cell types in auditory midbrain are shared in both clades. However, the detailed information about the connection of higher nuclei and the difference to mammal was not well established.

今回私たちはニワトリの聴覚神経回路を題材に、新しい順行性経シナプスベクターをもちいてその回路の構築を分析しました。このベクター、A3Vは感染ニューロンの軸索を順行性に輸送され、神経終末末端からシナプスを介してシナプスニューロンに感染する能力をもちます。このA3Vを聴覚中脳MLdに注入することで、その上位領域である聴覚視床nucleus ovoidalis (Ov)のニューロンを標識することができます。MLdは下位の神経核からの入力様式の異なる、つまり機能的に分離した複数のサブ領域に分かれることがわかっていますので、A3VをMLdサブ領域に打ち分け、Ovの標識ニューロンの分布がどのように異なるか分析を行いました。

In this study, we examined chicken's auditory pathway with newly found anterograde transsynaptic viral vector. This vector, A3V, is transported anterogradely in axons of infected neurons, and causes transsynaptic spread to postsynaptic neurons. Injection of the virus into auditory midbrain, MLd, will cause labeling of the higher auditory thalamic region, nucleus ovoidalis (Ov). Since MLd is subdivided into several subregions which receive different combination of projections from lower nuclei, we injected A3V into different MLd subregions and analyzed how the distribution of labeled Ov neurons differ between injections to different MLd subregions.


We found that injections to different MLd subregions caused different distribution of postsynaptic Ov neurons, suggesting functional subpathways through lower auditory nuclei, MLd, and Ov. In previous studies, it has been shown that hemilateral MLd send axons to Ov of both sides, although the projection intensity between sides was not quantitatively determined. Here, we compared the number of labeled Ov neurons in both sides, and found that ipsilateral projection is 1-4 times stronger than contralateral projection and the ratio is unrelated with MLd subdomains. Although ipsilateral projection is stronger, there is significant contralateral projection, showing obvious contrast to mammalian tectothalamic projection, which is mostly hemilateral.


As MLd projection is clearly bilateral, it is very likely that some Ov neurons receive inputs from MLds of both sides. To this end, we injected A3V coding green fluorescent protein in one side of MLd, and A3V coding red fluorescent protein in another side, and examined distribution of fluorescent protein expressing neurons in Ov. We found that irrespective of MLd subdomains, Ov neurons expressing both green and red fluorescent proteins were found in most cases. This indicates presence of Ov neurons that integrate information from both MLd, and implies that these Ov neurons integrate different sound information processed in different MLd subdomains.


Since Ov integrates inputs from both sides, the function of the bilateral projection is likely related with binaural processing and sound localization. In both birds and mammals, binaural processing is done in lower brainstem auditory nuclei, and therefore some midbrain neurons convey binaural information. In insectivore bats which exhibit excellent sound localization are shown to have binaural projection from the binaural lower nucleus to midbrain, whereas in "normal" mammals the projection is ipsilateral. This suggests binaural projection to higher centers relates with precise sound localization. In the current study, although we did not test binaural ability physiologically, the functional significance of the found binaral projection may relate with precise sound localization.


*2:哺乳類では下丘、トリではnucleus mesencephalicus lateralis pars dorsalis (MLd)と呼びます。
