富山大学 システム機能形態学研究室 Systems Function and Morphology Lab., University of Toyama

音を認知する神経回路の構造を研究しています。 We study the neuronal circuitry for sensing sounds.

論文「内側膝状体ニューロンの樹状突起上にはKv4.2が集積したドメインがあり、上行性の興奮性・抑制性入力が収束する」の公開 The paper "Kv4.2-Positive Domains on Dendrites in the Mouse Medial Geniculate Body Receive Ascending Excitatory and Inhibitory Inputs Preferentially From the Inferior Colliculus" is now open on

伊藤が共責任著者*1として協力した共同研究論文”Kv4.2-Positive Domains on Dendrites in the Mouse Medial Geniculate Body Receive Ascending Excitatory and Inhibitory Inputs Preferentially From the Inferior Colliculus”が本日付でFrontiers in NeuroscienceのAuditory Cognitive Neuroscienceの特集号に掲載されました。この論文はオープンアクセスですので、誰でも読むことができます。

The paper of which corresponding author is Ito is published online today on the special issue for Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience in journal Frontiers in Neuroscience. The title of the paper is "Kv4.2-Positive Domains on Dendrites in the Mouse Medial Geniculate Body Receive Ascending Excitatory and Inhibitory Inputs Preferentially From the Inferior Colliculus." Everyone can read the paper as it is an open access paper.



Although everyone can read it, it is laborious to read long scientific paper written in English. So we will show the summary of the paper below. If you think it is interesting, please read the original paper!



As shown in the figure below, auditory neuronal pathway is hierarchically organized, and the medial geniculate body (MGB) receives ascending inputs, conveying sound information, from the inferior colliculus (IC), and send the information to the auditory cortex (AC). Inputs from the IC are both excitatory and inhibitory, and are computed in MGB neurons, which are considered to extract characteristics of sound. At the same time, MGB receives descending inputs from the AC, which are considered to have roles in attention to sound. It is considered that direct excitatory inputs from AC enhance sound response of interest, whereas indirect inhibitory inputs via reticular thalamic nucleus (RTN) suppress sound response of non-interest.



Thus, MGB neurons process both sound and attention information, which have difference in time scale. Time course of sound information is rapidly changing, whereas that of attention is much slower considering slow kinetics of cortical neurons. MGB neurons must have ways to coordinate the signals with different time scales, although the structural evidence for the coordination remained unknown. 


In this study, we focused on subcellular distribution of voltage-gated potassium channels, which are important for time course of voltage change, in MGB neurons. Although there are many kinds of voltage-gated potassium channels, we studied Kv4.2 because its kinetics is relatively fast. We found that Kv4.2 is distributed in patchy manner on dendrites and cell bodies of MGB neurons, and Kv4.2-positive domains preferentially receive ascending excitatory and inhibitory inputs from IC but not descending inputs from AC or RTN (shown in the figure below). The results suggest that information flow of ascending and descending inputs is segregated to some extent in a single MGB neuron.




Inside story: The Kv4.2 distribution, which is the key finding of the study, was found by Dr. Hisataka Fujimoto, and he sent the images to Ito in circa 2017. As the distribution is interesting, we started collaboration with Dr. Fujimoto's driving force. However, the route for publication was not straightforward as the previous version of the paper was rejected by a different journal. We added many additional experiments according to the reviewers' suggestions and finally the paper was accepted 5 years after the beginning of collaboration. Many collaborators contributed the additional experiments. Thank you guys!!


*2:川崎医科大学:野津英司、順天堂大学:日置寛之、高橋 慧、金沢医科大学山本亮、小野宗範(敬称略)