富山大学 システム機能形態学研究室 Systems Function and Morphology Lab., University of Toyama

音を認知する神経回路の構造を研究しています。 We study the neuronal circuitry for sensing sounds.

研究室に新しいメンバーが加わりました! New comers in our laboratory!




博士課程1年のKhaleeq Ahmad Saqibさん(写真中)は、パキスタンからの留学生です。本当は2021年10月から研究開始する予定だったのですが、コロナ禍で入国ができず、半年遅れで研究を開始することとなりました。



引き続き、本研究室では聴覚の神経科学研究を行いたい人を受け入れています。興味のお有りな方は伊藤 (itot at med.u-toyama.ac.jp)までご連絡ください。

In April 2022, three newcomers joined to our laboratory! 

Dr. Katsumasa Takahashi (left) just finished the graduate school at Tsukuba University. His major is neuroethology, and will add new aspect to our research program.

Khaleeq Ahmad Saqib, M.D. (center) comes from Pakistan. Although he passed the entrance exam in last October, shutdown of national border due to covid-19 did not allow him to come. We are now really happy to accept him as a doctoral course student !

Takumi Miyajima (right) is a first grade graduate student. Although he belongs to school of engineering, main experiments will be done here. He started experiments in March, and now he gets used to do several experiments.

In addition to these people, in 2021 Ms. Yamamoto, Makino (as reseach assistant), Mr. Araya and Suguri (medical students) joined to our laboratory. Our lab is getting lively!

We are accepting graduate students who wants to study neuronal circuitry of the auditory system. If you are interested, please send e-mail to Ito (itot at med.u-toyama.ac.jp).