富山大学 システム機能形態学研究室 Systems Function and Morphology Lab., University of Toyama

音を認知する神経回路の構造を研究しています。 We study the neuronal circuitry for sensing sounds.

研究の概要 Research Outline




We do not sense the world as it is, but do collect the information which is important for our survival and recognize the sensory objects which are further selected by both unconscious and conscious processes. The selection, which is essential for survival, animals possess sensory organs and neuronal circuitry which are optimized for their circumstances. Our laboratory mainly focuses on the hearing system, and study the mechanisms which allow to detect and sense the meaningful information for survival from environmental sounds. Since significant information process of a circuit can be only achieved when the components with a particular function are organized in the right order, our basic strategy is to characterize the input-output properties of each component and to identify the architectonic position of the component in the circuit.  


  • 遺伝子組換えウイルスベクターを用い、単一細胞レベルで神経回路の可視化を図る。
  • 電気生理学技法を用い、単一神経細胞の入出力特性(入力:音刺激またはシナプス電流、出力:活動電位発生様式)を明らかにする。
  • 機能イメージング技法を用いて、神経細胞集団の時空間活動様式を明らかにする。
  • 神経回路の個々の素子(細胞種)に特異的に発現する遺伝子を同定し、細胞種レベルでの神経回路の可視化や機能の操作を行うことで細胞種の機能解明を図る。
  • 特定の音情報処理に特化した動物とそうでない動物の神経回路構造を詳細に比較する。例として、超音波を発声し、反響音から空間を認知する反響定位能力を持つコウモリと、反響定位能力を持たない動物の聴覚神経回路の比較研究を行ってきた。

Based on the strategy, we employ several experimental approaches:

  • Visualization of neuronal circuitry at a single-cell level using genetically-modified viral vectors.
  • Characterization of input-output properties of single neurons using electrophysiological techniques. (input, sound stimuli or synaptic currents; output, patterns of action potential generation)
  • Identification of spatio-temporal activation parttern of neuronal cell population in the local circuitry using functional imaging techniques.  
  • Identification of the function of each component: Search for characteristic genes for each cell types to visualize the local circuit at a cell-type level, and to manipulate the activity of single cell types.
  • Comparative study for animals with specialized auditory system, e.g. echolocating bats. 


  • 騒がしい、無意味な音で満ちた環境下で、注目した話し手の発言を聞き取ることができる、カクテルパーティー効果の神経メカニズムの解明。
  • 難聴に伴って引き起こされる耳鳴りの発生機序と、これを改善するための神経回路の操作方法の開発。
  • 人工内耳という、内耳を電気刺激して聴覚を回復する方法が実用化されている一方、脳の聴覚領域の電気刺激(brain-machine interface, BMI)によって意味のある言語音を脳内に再生することはできていない。聴覚BMIの実現につながる、脳内でのコミュニケーション音声の符号化様式の解明。

By combining the approaches, we can elucidate the relationship between the detailed structure of neuronal networks which are woven by various cell types and the sound information extracted and analyzed by the networks. The outcome of the study may give us substantial clues for the hard questions of neuroscience listed below:

  • The neuronal mechanisms of "cocktail party" effect, which allows us to identify an individual's talk from noisy environment.
  • The pathological mechanisms of tinnitus, which is caused by hearing loss, and the therapeutic approach by manipulating the neuronal circuitry.
  • The encoding of comminucation voices in the brain, which must be clarified for developing hearing brain-machine interface, the next generation hearing aid by directly stimulating the brain.